Tag Archives: Phone erotica

From Coed to Phone Sex Goddess

This is the extraordinary story of quite an ordinary girl turned lover, phone sex girl and business owner.

Sex!  It’s a force of nature. Relationships have been wrecked because of it. Guides are published about it. Melodies, verses all speak about it. It’s a subject of discussion that usually pops up late at night, and discussed openly or not, it really is a particular area of human relationship always seem to intrigue. What exactly is “IT”? Well sex obviously, when folks do it, whether or not they enjoy it, who else enjoys it etc… sex undoubtedly is important to all of us. In fact we wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for sex. The way we enjoy it varies from person to person, depending on choices, likes and of course whether they are in a relationship or not. For a lot of men and women, married or single, phone sex is unquestionably an activity they have a passion for. That brings me nicely to the queen of phone sex herself, Karen! I have known about Karen and her low-cost adult chat expertise for quite a while. Thus when I had a chance to enjoy a few moments in her company, I was certain I would enjoy it. All things considered, Karen for lots of people is definitely THE goddess of sexual fantasies who loves to talk to people on the phone about any sexual desire they might have. So how exactly does the lady achieves this, you may seek to know? This is how therefore without delay, the following is a part of our meeting.

Me: Good morning Karen. I don’t have to tell you just how happy I am to have the opportunity to enjoy a few moment in your company. It’s been a while since I have personally attempted to get to talk with you and I am truly grateful that we are now in a position to make that happen.

Karen: Thanks a lot! I realize I’ve been quite tied up as of late, which happens to be great obviously, however this means that I seldom have a lot of time to accomplish anything other than taking care of my business.

Me: I value your time. You have mentioned business just now and how it makes you very busy. Can I ask you to tell our readers what business you are in?

Karen: I own and operate a Phone sex chats company.

Me: Seriously! Phone sex chats? I don’t think we need to spend any time telling our readers what that is, however might I inquire as to how you became interested in this unusual field?

Karen: Simple and easy. When I was a student, like most students my age group, I needed to work part time to get extra cash, and the first thing I discovered was that working in a pizza restaurant was not as financially rewarding as people might think. Sill the more hours I worked the more I earned so I did manage, but it wasn’t something I was going to be able to sustain over a long period of time. Still, being young and inexperienced, it was fun interacting with customers, particularly the men who seem to think that I was not unattractive, and some would offer to help me get a better job and all I needed to do was to call the number on their business cards. I used to have half a dozen business cards at the end of each shift, but not all of them had offered to help me find a job though 🙂 . That’s how it started really.

Me (smiling): Incredible. So they really were happy to give you some help because they were so kind?

Karen (giggling): Sure. Right! They were offering something, no doubt about that. You and I know what they really wanted to do! You need to understand just how it all began? I’ll explain. One particular Friday late afternoon, following a really intense work day, I actually contacted on these men to find out just what he was thinking of when he initially Proposed help me. Did not take long for me to understand he wished to have a “relationship’ of sorts with me, based entirely on fun. I instructed him to get lost and cut our phone conversation short, fully expecting that I would never hear from him again..

Me: And did you hear from him again?

Karen: Needless to say. About three days after that, “the gentleman” called me having taken a note of my caller ID telephone number when I first called him. He said he was sorry for putting things the wrong way and that he didn’t mean it that way. He had a great tone of voice and I sensed that he was interested in me. Out of the blue, and I’ll never ever realise why I behave that way, yet I became charming, even alluring and started to flirt with him over the phone. I could feel that I was having an effect, without truly understanding precisely why, I advised him I couldn’t talk with him any longer since I was going to be late for work Could not. He asked me to continue to talk with him, that he thought I was so tempting as well as how my words were exciting him, but I did truly have to get going. And so i informed him that chatting with him by phone would unfortunately not cover any one of my living expenses, and furthermore I liked to work. And once more I cut our phone conversation short.

Me: Did you wait a long time before he called you again?

Karen: That night, he arrived at the cafe in order to buy chicken wings. I was working at the back and could not take his order. Thus he said to a colleague to inform me that he was going to get in touch with me later on tonight and that I ought to tell him when I would be done with work so he could call me at home. He seemingly had no intention of leaving until I gave him an answer. I did not want to get in trouble with my boss so I got my co-worker to inform him I would be home after midnight.

Me: Wow… Midnight! That’s really late. You had to have been fatigued going home that late.

Karen: Yes. I did. And to be frank, I went home, having completely forgotten about him. It’s really only when I heard the phone ring that I recalled our “proxy” conversation.

Me: And so…

Karen: That’s easy, after i answered his call, I had decided I would tell him that I didn’t want to hear from him again. However even as I began to convey my point to him, he wanted to know if I understood what the deal was about a live sex chat. Obviously I knew! (Who did he think I was anyway)? This individual said that besides the fact that he had a wife, he was in fact shelling out a good amount of profit on phone sex lines up until now and he might be willing to commit a little of that cash talking to me instead. His statement was so astonishing that I began to giggle. For the fun of it, I asked him the amount he was spending on these different females in order to have phone sex and truly, his response was amazing. It was definitely a whole lot more than what I was making, working as I was in a restaurant nearly ever hour of the day I wasn’t in class, including Saturdays and even Sundays. It seemed a no brainer… Indulge in some harmless sexual fun by phone with him a couple of times a week, and the rest of the time, I would be free to do so much more. And this is how my life changed and I became a fantasy girl